Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Love Story


It was a sunny day, sun was shining, a beautiful day started in the beginning of the Modern Era in the year 1503. Love was complicated in that ages, but, in a little city out of the civilization a lovely young boy, Julen, with no more than 16, blonde hair, blue eyes, approximately 170 centimetres and with a very good heart was completely in love with a beautiful girl called Elizabeth. Elizabeth was a very rich girl who she’s father was the king of Navarre Kingdom, but, this two young couple were completely fall in love and the problem was that they couldn't be together because Julen had a poor family and the society didn’t accepted that kind of life.

As Elizabeth’s parents wouldn't let them be together, Julen decided to sneak into the Castle stealing a duke costume, so, they could see each other. The next day, after stealing the suit, Julen attempted to sneak into the Castle, but unfortunately it didn't work, Elizabeth’s father saw them.

He got very angry, so he decided that this wouldn’t occur again, and like he had the control of all the Navarre Kingdom he made Julen’s parents to work very hard for him. But this was not made public because it could destroyed the reputation of the King, the King that all the city respected. However, Elizabeth was not in favour of this so she became against her father.

So Elizabeth decided to escape from the castle and find Julen. It didn’t take much time until her father noticed her luck, ordering this he guards to find Elizabeth and kill his boyfriend. Meanwhile, Julen’s parents were sentenced to prison, and the condemned to death by royal order. Elizabeth finally encountered with Julen and told him all that was going to happen. Julen told him what they had to do to avoid it.

Julen very angry made one plan to rescue his parents from the prison. Before to go to the prison Julen call his best friend that live in “the black forest” that calls Jozuaz Artxabeta that was an warrior. So first Julen and Elizabeth went to the Jozuaz cave. Jozuaz was making the dinner to his brother Antton Artxabaleta. Julen and Elizabeth told to Jozuaz and Antton all the history. Jozuaz accepted to help in the rescue of the Julen’s parents but with one condition to bought one new fishing rod.

Before the night of the action all of them were very excited and nervous. When Jozuaz and Antton fell asleep Elisabeth and Julen started to talk about their lives in front of the fire which illuminated the cave. They were cold and to heat each other they had a se relationship... that was the last night they stayed twogather. In the morning they met the Aretxabaleta Brothers and they went to the prison armed with swords... they didn’t have any plans their only idea was to rescue the parents of Julen, When they arrived to the prison they stood in front of the principal door hidden in the bushes. Suddenly Julen started running to the door when she saw her also Elisabeth started to run behind Julen. The brothers stood in the bushes surprised. But unfortunately a soldier who was in the wall saw to the couple running so he took an arrow he putted in the bow and he shoot it piercing the bodies of julen and Elisabeth who were running one in front of the other. They didn’t born together, they didn’t life together, but they die together with the hearts crossed with an arrow and loving each other.

This last weeks we have been working in cooperative groups with the objective of writting a story for each person. For this each of us we have started a story writting the first paragraph, after that we had to continue other peop e stories, rotating them until we finished. For this project we have used google docs sharing the document with the classmate of our cooperative groups. In my opinion all the story we have written are awesome, but my story is special because is have been wrote with a lot of feelings.

Here you have the links to see other stories of people who have colaborated doing this story and in the other stories also I have colaborated, so if you are interested on having a look in other stories klick in the following links.

Other members and stories of the group:

Julen Artano's Story
Gorka Vildarraz's Story
Imanol Amundarain's Story
Irene Arana's Story
Julen Irazusta's Story
Irati Salaberria's Story
My Story